
Seyed Ehsan Marjani Bajestani

Seyed Ehsan Marjani BajestaniLong title of research paper

Monocular Monochrome to RGB-D: Highspeed color and depth sensing for various speeds of movement using an event-based camera aided by actively changing structured light

Short title of research paper

Event-Based RGB-D Perception With Structured Light

1) Short presentation: First name, last name, program of study, supervisor, what is your research about

My name is Seyed Ehsan Marjani Bajestani, a PhD candidate in Computer Engineering, under the supervision of Professor Giovanni Beltrame at the MIST Lab. In my research, I am exploring a new way to quickly capture color and depth in an environment, down to microseconds. This will help robots and autonomous vehicles maneuver in fast, dynamic environments. Additionally, it could be useful in factories or places where fast 3D scanning is needed.

2) What was your method of explaining your thesis in 3 minutes?

I grab the audience's attention by discussing basic physics and relating it to everyday things we all know, without diving into complex technical details. Using visuals in my presentation makes it more engaging and easier to follow, especially since my project is related to vision. I aim to share my enthusiasm for the topic in a simple and accessible manner.

3) What inspires you to do research?

I began my robotics journey at NODET high school, creating a line-following robot. This sparked my interest, ultimately leading to a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and an M.Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering. My involvement in the Middle Size Soccer Robots League (MSL) as an executive committee member at the RoboCup International Federation for 8 years deepened my fascination with multi-agent mobile robots. Since 2006, I've been actively involved in robotics, taking part in various competitions and working as a robotics instructor. Now, at Polytechnique Montreal's MIST lab, we focus on swarm robots and develop algorithms for moon exploration. I find researching robotics, from soccer robots to moon rovers, fascinating.

4) If you have to dedicate your research to anyone in the past, present, or future, who would it be and why?

My research is a tribute to those who have significantly influenced my journey, especially my family, friends, and professors.

5) 3 key words to define your research

Event-based camera, RGB-D, Structured-Light


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