
Laura Prieto Saavedra

LAURA PRIETO SAAVEDRALong title of research project

Development of Variational Multiscale Methods to Simulate Turbulent Flows

Short title of my research project

Breaking free from the matrix to simulate turbulent flows

1) Short presentation: First name, last name, program of study, supervisor, what is your research about

My name is Laura Prieto Saavedra and I am at the end of the third year of my doctorate studies in the Chemical Engineering department at Polytechnique Montreal. I am part of the CHAOS (Chemical Engineering High-Performance Analysis, Optimisation and Simulation) group under the supervision of Professor Bruno Blais. The aim of my project is to develop and implement specific numerical methods, known as variational multiscale methods, to simulate turbulent flows for process intensification.

2) What was your method of explaining your thesis in 3 minutes?

First, I wrote a few sentences with all the building blocks of my research project. Once I had a logical order for all the ideas, I focused on finding ways of explaining the difficult concepts using nonspecialized language and everyday life examples. Then, I practiced several times and eliminated some details, until I was able to explain all the important concepts in three minutes. I also watched videos of previous participants, and practiced with friends and family, to ensure that all the ideas were accessible to a general audience.

3) What inspires you to do research?

My research project was inspired by the need of using numerical simulation efficiently to design and study innovative equipment where experimental studies are no longer sufficient. Apart from this specific motivation for my current research project, what inspires me to do research is to solve problems and contribute a bit in the knowledge of a specific domain. This is a challenging task but a very rewarding one.

4) If you have to dedicate your research to anyone in the past, present, or future, who would it be and why?

I would dedicate my research to all women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). All the women that worked in STEM in the past have significantly contributed to making this field more welcoming and equal, however, as a woman in STEM in the present, I am also aware of the challenges that we still need to overcome. I hope that my research contributes to the reduction of gender stereotypes in a male-dominated culture, and that it is one example of many, that will inspire girls to pursue a career in engineering, math or science if they wish to do so.

5) 3 key words to define your research

Process intensification, simulation, matrix-free.


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