
Elham Karimi

ELHAM KARIMILong title of research paper

Development and Optimization of a melt electrospun scaffold from a ternary blend of polymers for biomedical applications

Short title of research paper

Optimization of a ternary blend melt electrospun scaffold for bone regeneration

1) Short presentation

My name is Elham Karimi, and I am in my third year of a PhD in Chemical Engineering, under the supervision of Professors Abdellah Ajji, Marie-Claude Heuzey, and Frej Mighri. The purpose of my thesis is to fabricate ternary blend melt electrospun scaffolds for biomedical applications.

2) What was your method of explaining your thesis in 3 minutes?

I focused on the most impactful results to convey the essence of my project in just three minutes. I adopted a storytelling technique, starting with an engaging question to encourage the audience to follow the story and find the answer in the following three minutes. This story was presented in three chapters: a short introduction, a snapshot of the research methodology, and critical findings.

3) What inspires you to do research?

My fondness for research blossomed in my childhood when my hobby was spending time in the chemical labs of primary school or the library, seeking satisfying answers to my curious questions. Although a researcher faces many daily challenges and ups and downs in her project, my passion for working on cutting-edge knowledge and making a positive difference fuels my research endeavors.

4) If you have to dedicate your research to anyone in the past, present, or future, who would it be and why?

I would dedicate my research to my husband, who supports me not only emotionally but also scientifically. He encourages me to be brave and follow my dreams. On a more comprehensive level, my research is dedicated to all the patients suffering from bone injuries, as I hope to make the treatment process less painful and more efficient for them.

5) 3 key words to define your research

Melt electrospinning, Ternary blend, Tissue engineering.


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