
Liliane-Caroline Demers

Long title of research paper

Music Generation with Long-Term Structure Using Constraint Programming and Transformer-Based Decoders

Short title of research paper

Musical Consistency in AI's Composer's Pen

1) Short presentation: First name, last name, program of study, supervisor, what is your research about

My name is Liliane-Caroline Demers and I am finishing my Master's in Computer Engineering under the supervision of Professor Gilles Pesant. My Master’s project is focused on generating music with long-term structure by combining machine learning and constraint programming.

2) What was your method of explaining your thesis in 3 minutes?

I will use simple vocabulary and analogies that everyone can relate to and understand. I will try to maintain a clear and structured narrative that the audience can follow.

3) What inspires you to do research?

I have a strong musical background both in piano and musical theory. When I learned that my supervisor, Professor Gilles Pesant, was working on applications in music, I jumped at the opportunity to combine my computer science skills with my musical knowledge!

4) If you have to dedicate your research to anyone in the past, present, or future, who would it be and why?

Many people come to mind! But if I were to choose, it would be Ada Lovelace, a mathematician who is known for her work on Charles Babbage's first designs for a computer, named the Analytical Engine. She predicted that the engine could eventually be used to compose music.

5) 3 key words to define your research

Artificial intelligence, music generation, structure


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