
Léo Boisvert

LÉO BOISVERTTitre du travail de recherche

Towards a Generic Representation of Cominatorial Problems for Learning-Based Approaches

Titre vulgarisé

Learn to Optimize

1) Short presentation: First name, last name, program of study, supervisor, what is your research about

My name is Léo Boisvert, I am pursuing a masters in Computer Engineering under the direction of Quentin Cappart. My research focuses on creating representations of optimization problems that are intelligible to computer in order to apply learning-based methods to solve such problems.

2) What was your method of explaining your thesis in 3 minutes?

Starting with an analogy from the real world and use concrete examples. My research is abstract and quite obscure, which makes it hard to understand for anyone who is not specialised in the niche subfield of machine learning applied to combinatorial optimization. Using concrete examples allows listeners to understand what it is about and why it matters.

3) What inspires you to do research?

The whole process of doing research is fascinating. you get to explore things that have never be done and push yourself to innovate to create new results. I love the excitement of finding something that works and trying to communicate it in an clear manner.

4) If you have to dedicate your research to anyone in the past, present, or future, who would it be and why?

I'm lucky to have the #1 best family and friends in the world -I have actively searched for someone that has better surroundings, but could not find one!!!-; I'd be ungrateful not to dedicate it to them!

5) 3 key words to define your research

(Practically) Useless, but fun!


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