
Elham Ghorbani Totkaleh


Long title of research paper: Developing an Optimization Model for Assembly Line Design Problem with Ergonomic Consideration under Uncertainty
Short title of research paper: Fuzzy Ergonomic Assembly Line Design Problem

Short presentation

My name is Elham Ghorbani Totkaleh and I am in my third year of a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, under the supervision of Professors Samira Keivanpour, Firdaous Sekkay, and Daniel Imbeau. My thesis project is about the optimization of assembly line design by considering ergonomic aspects under uncertainty.

What was your method of explaining your thesis in 3 minutes?

I divide the title into three main parts and explain each part in around one minute.

What inspires you to do research?

Thinking about vital needs and essential questions in the manufacturing domain motivates me to do research in order to find the best solution to address them.

If you have to dedicate your research to anyone in the past, present, or future, who would it be and why?

I want to dedicate my research to all my teachers who guide me to choose this path for my life. They are my heroes and I hope one day I could play this role for other students.

3 key words to define your research

Assembly Line Balancing Problem, Ergonomic Risk, Fuzzy Optimization


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