
Maria Elisabeth Bakker

Maria Elisabeth Bakker

Quantifying neuro-vascular decoupling in resting state networks of vascular diseases

1) Short presentation

My name is Marleen Bakker, I was born in the Netherlands and came to Canada for my PhD, in April 2021. I am supervised by Frédéric Lesage at Polytechnique and Matthieu Vanni at Université de Montréal. I did my bachelor in biology, my master in neuroscience and am now doing my PhD in the biomedical engineering department. The subject of my thesis is neurovascular coupling in vascular diseases.

2) What was your method of explaining your thesis in 3 minutes

My method for doing the 3 minute thesis was to first just write down how I would explain it to my mom. This was already a really good basis, and I worked on that. Since I was stubborn enough to also want to join the French competition, I had a big challenge in that aspect since my French is not great yet. My friends helped me with the translation, and I re-recorded about 60 times in order to get my pronunciation (more or less) right and to stay under 3 minutes.

3) What inspires you to do research?

My drive for research is, and always has been, curiosity. When I didn’t know what I wanted to do in high school, my mother already said I should do something where I “figure stuff out”. I guess I still just really like figuring stuff out.

4) If you have to dedicate your research to anyone in the past, present, or future, who would it be and why?

Am I going to mention my mom in 3 out of 5 questions? I guess so. My mom. Because she is as eager to learn as I am and has always encouraged me in everything I do.

3 Keywords to explain your thesis

Neurovascular coupling, vascular diseases, optical imaging


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