
Courses Selection and Modification

You must choose your courses in your student record online.

The Modification de choix de cours (Course changes) option will be available only during the period specified for students who have confirmed their registration. 
See How to confirm your registration.


  1. Click on: Modifications de choix de cours
  2. Enter the Sigle (course code) or Gr. Théo and Gr. Lab. (theory and lab groups)
  3. Click on Enregistrer (Register) at the bottom of the page, then on Retour à la sélection des options (Return to menu)
  4. Return to the menu and click on Horaire personnel (Personal schedule) option to see the details of your schedule.

More info: To choose your Courses (.pdf)

Print the Personal Schedule (in French Only) (.pdf)
Course Drop

Tuition fees must be paid for dropped courses. A dropped course will be listed in your file with the grade “R.” 

Undergraduate Students
Graduate Students

It will be automatically moved back into your study plan and you must take it a second time. To replace it with another course, you must complete a Change of Study Plan form (.pdf).

  • Graduate course drop or withdrawal (.doc) (.pdf), version française (.doc) (.pdf)
Certificates or Short Undergraduate Programs
Authorization to Transfer Credits

Student Guide - Essentials for Completing Online Forms - in French only (.pdf)

If you are in graduate studies, the course must be provided in your study plan

  • Plan d'études au 2e cycle - in French only (.pdf)
  • Doctorate Study Plan (.pdf)

Course credit exemption in the doctoral program (.pdf), version française (.pdf)

Special features of certificates

There are two types of online courses; those that are offered synchronously and those that are offered asynchronously.

  • When you take a course offered synchronously, you must connect at the same time as the lecturer. The courses are recorded and you can view them any time throughout the semester.
  • When you take a course offered asynchronously, the course has been pre-recorded. The lecturer makes it available at the time posted for your course and you can view it when you wish.

To follow these courses, your lecturer will add a VIA activity on your course’s Moodle page, you only need to click on this activity to participate. An e-mail invitation will be sent to you to provide access.

You will need to download the VIA application on your first connection, afterwards you will need only click on “I have the app.”

VIA is a service that allows several participants to join online simultaneously from different locations. You can also access a common workspace to collaborate on shared documents.

To take part in online courses, you will need a webcam and an external microphone or one that is integrated in your computer, and a high-speed Internet connection.

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