
Polytechnique Montréal’s language policy

Polytechnique Montréal is a French-language university. The quality of French is a priority for all members of its community, as the language of teaching and study, research and work. Polytechnique is also proud to welcome students of all nationalities whose first spoken language is not necessarily French and, as such, wishes to foster their integration by requiring a minimum level of proficiency in French or by helping them improve their fluency in French.


In accordance with Polytechnique Montréal's language policy, all students admitted to the master's research or doctoral program on the basis of their knowledge of the English language must, as a condition of graduation, successfully complete a course in French as a second language at a university, successfully complete a course in a francization program recognized by the Government of Québec, or demonstrate that they meet the admission requirements on the basis of their knowledge of French.

This graduation requirement applies only to first-time registrants from the autumn term 2023 onwards.

Students who are changing graduate programs and who had a first registration in the first program before fall 2023 are not subject to this requirement.

How can you satisfy the language requirement? 

If you have been admitted to Polytechnique, you must satisfy one of the following three conditions :


  • Pass a French course offered by a Québec university, whatever level. We encourage you to consult the Université de Montréal program to choose the course that is right for you. Placement tests are compulsory. You must register for these inter-university courses via the Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (BCI) website. You can also register in this way for a French course offered at a Québec university other than Université de Montréal. Note that these will be entered in your student file as extracurricular courses; it is important to respect the registration and cancellation dates. No fees will be charged for courses taken while you are enrolled in a research master’s or doctoral program.


We wish to remind you that you will be awarded your degree only if you meet one of the above three conditions. However, we encourage you to enrol in a French-language course as soon as possible: improving your fluency in French is one of the factors that will facilitate your integration into a French-speaking educational and living environment. If you should choose to pursue your career in Québec or elsewhere in the French-speaking world at the end of your academic career at Polytechnique Montréal, your improved French will be an additional asset to your knowledge.


Are French courses taken outside Quebec accepted?
No; the course must be taken in Quebec. French courses taken abroad are not eligible.

Does the course have to be taken after the first enrolment in the programme?

Which French courses are eligible?
All courses in French as a second language offered at a Québec university.

What threshold is required?
The course must be passed.

Do students have to include the course they have taken in their study plan?
This will not be verified by the registrar. However, students must check the box in the study plan to confirm that they are committed to complying with the language policy.

Which francization programmes recognized by the Quebec government will be recognized ?
If you are in this situation, write to