Country of my origin: Iran
Program of study: chemical engineering
Program Admission Date: Winter 2020
Research director: Professor Fabio Cicoira
Wearable nanogenerator based on textile for piezoelectric, pyroelectric and triboelectric energy harvesting
What was your method of explaining your thesis in 3 minutes?
- Developing my main idea by using simple words that is understandable by public
- Using different examples
- Explain my main idea using related picture
What inspires you to do research?
When I played hide and seek in my childhood, I always wanted to have a special cloth to camouflage like a chameleon. Having this dream, I did research on camouflage in my bachelor and published it in ISI journal. When I walked to this path, I found that I am passionate to do research.
If you have to dedicate your research to anyone from the past, present, or future, who would it be and why?
By using fossil fuel during the time, the earth becomes warm and warmer. On the other hand, by growing demand for providing electricity for electronic devices, the self-powered systems are needed more than before. So, hybrid nanogenerators can sufficient alternative to harvest energy from sustainable and renewable resources. Therefore, the device proposed in this project can be used by present and future people. Using this nanogenerator, it is possible convert resultant energy from walking, running, and temperature gradient to electricity and use it for charging cell phone or electronic watch. Even, by sensing pressure and temperature it can be used for physiological and healthcare monitoring.
3 Keywords to explain your thesis
Renewable and sustainable energy, Nanogenerator, Textile