As a member of the community, each student, in all of his/her activities, is expected to respect the various obligations and responsibilities set upon him/her, among others in the realms of intellectual property, confidentiality, ethics, and during the use of the various resources placed at his/her disposal. The student is expected to adopt behaviour that falls within the rules applicable to him/her, as stated in the following documents among others:
Documents for undergraduate studies, graduate studies and certificates
- Declaration of Student Rights and Responsibilities
- Probity policy
- Copyright Policy
- Regulation Concerning the Use and Management of Information Technology Resources
- Health and Safety Management Policy
- Policy to Prevent and Counter Sexual Violence
Document for undergraduate studies
- Règlements des études du baccalauréat en ingénierie (regulations for bachelor’s studies in engineering)
Documents for graduate studies
- Règlements généraux et particuliers des études supérieures (General and Specific Regulations for Graduate Studies)
- Supervision Policy for Graduate Students
- Policy on technological intellectual property
Document for certificates
- Règlements pédagogiques des certificats (pedagogical regulations for certificates)
(The above documents are available, in French only for the most part, at the following address:
As such and more specifically, each student is responsible for respecting the rules of intellectual integrity set out, as well as those that provide sanctions for plagiarism, fraud, copying, cheating and falsifying of documents. Article 8 of the bachelor’s degree regulations, Article 9 of the continuing education regulations and Article 11 of the graduate studies regulations define the concept of fraud and provide the list of infractions and sanctions that may be imposed. Students may not, therefore, claim ignorance of the rules adopted by Polytechnique Montréal that are applicable to them.
Any student who believes that justice was not rendered during the course of a decision relative to the methods of application of these standards, for reasons such as an error in the establishment of facts, a procedural error, demonstrated discrimination or partiality, or a sanction disproportionate to the act, may appeal against the decision. The appealing methods (procedures, time frames, etc.) are described in the corresponding documents.